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Monday, May 5, 2008

Save Energy. Save this Planet.

Save Energy. Save this Planet.

As we all know, the energy we use to light and heat our home, drive our car, travel by air, or run our business releases harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere that not only pollute the air (by releasing carbon dioxide emissions), but also accelerate global warming causing the Earth’s climate to change in a way that has disastrous consequences for the environment and every species that inhabits the earth.

The more impacts of the uses of such an energy concluded by Scientists are that the glaciers are receding, the earth’s ice caps are melting and powerful and destructive storms are becoming more frequent. I’m sure that we already know it, too. But, do you know the way we can participate to avoid, reduce and eliminate carbon emissions from our atmosphere to save this planet?

Together we can participate in a revolution that truly can change the planet for the better. The hope of eliminating the creation of carbon dioxide emissions may be unrealistic but it is conveniently possible to reduce carbon emissions and totally offset what we each produce. By joining on with LivClean projects (Carbon Neutral Programs), we will do our part. The projects include:

1. Des Plaines Landfill Gas Project

The emission reduction project located at the Des Plaines landfill in Illinois uses most of the landfill gas to support a 3500 kilowatt electrical generating facility - enough electricity to power 3500 homes.

Type: Landfill Gas Capture
Location: United States
Operator: Sexton
Volume: 100,000 tonnes CO2-e
Status: Underway

2. Nicaragua Brick Kilns

This project displaces the wood fuel used to fire the artisan's brick kilns
by introducing energy efficiency improvements and encouraging the use of agricultural residue as fuel. Overall, the new kiln designs reduce fuel costs by up to 35%. This project also has the added benefit of reducing communities vulnerability to mudslides and erosion due to reduced deforestation.

Type: Energy Efficiency
Location: Nicaragua
Volume: 20,000 tonnes Co2-e
Status: Underway

3. Sustainable Tree Planting

These projects located in Tanzania, India, Kenya and Uganda, reduce
greenhouse gas emissions by encouraging the growth of trees to achieve long-term CO2 sequestration. Because the trees take several years to reach maturity and provide seeds and other useful products to farmers, financial support is provided to the farmers to help grow the trees to maturity.

Trained assessors evaluate the condition of the trees several times each year. To compensate for potential mortality, this project has planted 10 trees for each tonne of CO2 and uses a 10 year crediting period, compared to an industry standard of one tree per tonne and a 35-100 year crediting period.

Type: Tree Planting
Location: Tanzania, India, Kenya and Uganda
Volume: 100,000 tonnes Co2-e
Status: Underway


By investing in a variety of projects (alternative energy sources, renewable energy, tree planting, and other eco-friendly type projects that reduce GHG emissions into the atmosphere) LivClean makes it convenient and affordable to advance a healthy environment for our employees, our customers and the global community. By subscribing to LivClean's commercial plan, our stakeholders can take pride in immediately becoming a sustainable carbon neutral premise.

Click here for more information about LivClean Carbon Neutral Program. Don’t forget to try to calculate total tonnes of carbon (CO2-e) created by our home, vehicle, as well as flight each year. We can find it at the “Calculate your carbon footprint” on the “Individual” tab.

Energy Conservation Tips.

Here are some tips of "eco-habits" that we can easily acquire that will help us reduce our carbon impact and encourage sustainable living – Energy conservation - a few small changes can make a big difference:



  • Keep the car parked: use phone and video conferencing to avoid the trip.
  • Consider cleaner fuels like ethanol. E10 (the most available commercial mixture), reduces CO2 emissions by about 10%.
For More Tips, click Planet Energy.


KLA said...

Kumpulan infonya bagus sekali mas, tapi kacau penataannya. Ini ciri orang pintar, biasanya ga rapi :)

Bolehkan kalo kapan2 beberapa tulisan yang berkaitan aku linkkan ke blogku..? Aku baru blajar ngeblog.

silakan berkunjung ya, dan beri comment critik saran.


labatterie said...

Aku baru blajar ngeblog.

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