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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Waste Minimization Program

Waste Minimization is a waste management approach that focuses on how to minimize the amount of waste that is generated. In order that we can help protecting the environment and to make good business sense, waste minimization is much important. Why? Because waste minimization saves money through avoided disposal costs, creates safer working conditions, and protects human health and the environment.
There are three methods of waste minimization:
Source Reduction. Practices and processes to reduce or eliminate the generation of waste. Some examples of these methods include:
- Good housekeeping practices, such as taking care when transfering materials to minimize spills.
- Minimize inventory.
- To prevent chemicals expiring before they are used, use a first-in, first-out inventory system, and date all chemical containers when received.
- Labels on all chemicals should be maintained, and if chemicals are transferred to secondary containers, the new container should be labeled with the chemical name; this helps to prevent the generation of unknown wastes.
- Etc.
Waste Recycling. Waste Recycling is when a waste material is: used for another purpose; treated and reused in the same process; or reclaimed for another process. Some examples of waste recycling include:
- Purchasing from manufacturers who will accept the return of the partially used or empty cylinders;
- To recover the silver, photographic wastes can be treated with silver recovery units ;
- Collecting ballasts, equipment, and lead acid, lithium, mercury, and nickel-cadmium batteries for commercial recycling;
- Reclaiming metallic mercury, if the mercury is not mixed with any other waste streams;
- Re-distilling used solvents.
- Etc.
Waste Treatment. Some wastes can be treated to render them non-hazardous or less hazardous. Some examples of waste treatment include neutralize acids and bases; Oxidize cyanide salts and ethidium bromide with bleach solutions; olymerize acrylamide solutions; Iject gels directly with ethidium bromide to eliminate large volumes of liquid waste. Etc.
*) abstracted from LSUHSC Waste Minimization Program at:

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